Communications Specifications
Using Constant Copy Function
Constant Copy Function
The Digital Operator for remote operation (Model JVOP-146, Optional)
can store constants for one Inverter. A backup power supply is not nec-
essary because EEPROM is used.
Note: When using a Digital Operator for remote operation, use with a remote
interface unit for remote operation (optional) and the cable for remote
operation (optional). Refer to the VS mini J7 catalog (Literature No.
KAE-S606-12) for details.
The constant copy function is possible only for the Inverters with the
same product series and power supply specifications. However, some
constants may not be copied. It is also impossible to copy constants
between VS mini and VS-606V7 Inverters.
Prohibiting reading constants from the Inverter can be set in n77. The
constant data cannot be changed when this constant is set.
If an alarm occurs when copying constants, PRGM will flash and copy-
ing will continue.
Constant Copy Function Selection (n76)
Depending on the setting of n76 (Constant Copy Function Selection),
the following functions can be used.
1. Reading all the constants from the Inverter (READ) and storing
them in EEPROM in the Digital Operator
2. Copying the constants stored in the Digital Operator to the Inverter
RS-422, RS-485
Asynchronous (Start-stop synchronization)
Baud rate: Selected from 2400/4800/9600/19200 bps
Data length: 8 bits fixed
Parity: Selected from even/odd/none
Stop bits: 1 bit fixed
MEMOBUS (MODBUS) (RTU mode only)
Max. Number of
Inverters that can be
31 units (When using RS-485)