Event ID
OB: File number
PK: Slot of the controller
ZINFO1: Firmware major version
ZINFO2: Firmware minor version
DatID: Line
Internal error - Please contact the hotline!
OB: File number.
PK: Slot of the controller
ZINFO1: Firmware major version
ZINFO2: Firmware minor version
DatID: Line
Internal error - Please contact the hotline!
OB: File number
PK: Slot of the controller
ZINFO1: Firmware major version
ZINFO2: Firmware minor version
DatID: Line
PROFINET IO controller/EtherCAT-CP: Error in configuration
PK: Interface
ZINFO1 - Bit 0: Too many devices
ZINFO1 - Bit 1: Too many devices per second
ZINFO1 - Bit 2: Too many input bytes per millisecond
ZINFO1 - Bit 3: Too many output bytes per millisecond
ZINFO1 - Bit 4: Too many input bytes per device
ZINFO1 - Bit 5: Too many output bytes per device
ZINFO1 - Bit 6: Too many productive connections
ZINFO1 - Bit 7: Too many input bytes in the process image
ZINFO1 - Bit 8: Too many output bytes in the process image
ZINFO1 - Bit 9: Configuration not available
ZINFO1 - Bit 10: Configuration invalid
ZINFO1 - Bit 11: Refresh interval too small
ZINFO1 - Bit 12: Refresh interval too large
ZINFO1 - Bit 13: Invalid device number
ZINFO1 - Bit 14: CPU is configured as an I device
ZINFO1 - Bit 15: Assume IP address in another way. Is not supported for the IP address of the controller.
ZINFO2 - Bit 0: Incompatible configuration (SDB version not supported)
ZINFO2 - Bit 1: EtherCAT: EoE configured but not supported (Possible cause is a too short cycle time of
the EtherCAT master system. When using EoE terminals, at least a cycle time of 4ms must be config-
VIPA System 300S
System specific event IDs
HB140 | CPU-SC | 313-5BF23 | en | 19-01