Instruments and Sensors Menu
The INSTRUMENTS AND SENSORS screen allows users to view the status and edit settings for any connected instruments.
Instruments are listed with the host device at the top and the sensors below. The QC Score of each sensor is available to view.
Simply click on the specific instrument to view details related to its QC Score.
Logged data files can be manually imported from the sonde or handheld. Users can also delete data files that are saved on
connected instruments. To delete data, click the Delete Records button under the Logged Measurement Files box. Select the
records to delete, and then click Delete. This will permanently delete records from the instrument.
Update Instrument Firmware
Instrument firmware can be manually updated by clicking the Update icon in the ribbon.
The latest firmware must be downloaded first. Check the File menu to see if there is an update available. An internet
connection is required to check for updates.
Kor Software