Desiccant Cartridge
The desiccant cartridge is only relevant for ProSwap Logger models with vented depth sensors.
The ProSwap Logger desiccant cartridge accessory contains equipment which prevents condensation in the vent tube of sondes
and cables which measure changes in water level in field applications. It is imperative that a dry atmosphere be maintained in the
vent tube for field studies since environmental temperature changes will almost certainly cause water to condense in the tube if it
is not protected. This condensed water is likely to block the vent tube, resulting in inaccurate and erratic readings, and may cause
permanent damage to the sensor.
Familiarize yourself with the items provided in the kit before proceeding with the assembly and deployment of the unit.
Enclosed items include prefilled desiccant cartridges, tubing and a barb fitting adapter which facilitates attachment of the
cartridge to the barb fitting of the cable, and a cap which protects the MS-8 connector of the cable during deployment.
Installing the Cartridge
Refer to the following drawing for installation of the desiccant cartridge to the cable.
Remove one of the plugs from the end of the desiccant cartridge and place the open end of the 0.125” tubing onto the
cable fitting. Seat firmly.
Place the open end of the 0.125” tubing onto the cable fitting. Seat firmly.
Slide the sleeve-web over the end of the cable and the bail. Work the sleeve-web down the cable and over the cartridge
taking care not to unplug the hose that connects the cartridge to the cable.
Optional: Using one of the tie-wraps, secure the hose to the cable taking care not to close off the hose.
The vent end of the cartridge should remain plugged until the sonde is ready for use. When putting the sonde into service, remove
the plug to ensure that the sensor in the sonde is vented to the atmosphere.
Install the protective cap over the MS-8 end of the vented cable when not in use.
0.125” Tube
Barbed Fitting