Sensor Display
The Sensor Display menu determines the parameters and units that are shown on
the Run screen. The Run screen will only show measurements for sensors that are
attached to the cable bulkhead.
If more measurements are selected than can be displayed on one screen, a scroll
bar will be shown. Use the
keys to scroll through the measurements.
For depth profiling, enable Vertical Position under Depth Display
to view the real-time position of the depth sensor in the water
column. This is helpful in profiling applications to ensure the depth
sensor is lowered to the desired depth without waiting for the
depth data to stabilize.
Auto Stable
Auto Stable
Auto Stable indicates when a measurement is stable. Sensors with Auto Stable
enabled will have
flash beside the measurement on the Run screen.
will flash green when the measurement is stable.
Select a sensor to enable or disable Auto Stable. Then set the stability threshold
The Auto Stable stability threshold can be set by percent of measurement or in
the units of measurement selected in the Sensor Display menu. Enter the stability
value, then select
Use Percent
Use Meas. Units
This threshold is used to compare the last reading with the previous. The smaller
the number entered in % or units, the longer it will take for the instrument to reach
the auto stable criteria.
Example: For temperature in
C, if Measurement Units threshold is set to 0.2
and the temperature reading changes by more than 0.2 degrees,
will continue to be red until the reading does not change by more than
C over the defined sample period and sample count.
Hold All Readings
: After all sensors have reached their stability criteria, the
measurements will be held or ‘locked’ on the display. If disabled, the sensor
measurements will continue to change in real time.
Audio Enabled
: An audio alert will sound when stability is reached.