Internet DDNS (Dynamic Domain Naming Service):
Provides user with host
name to access the camera.
Enable DDNS:
Click the Enable DDNS checkbox to active DDNS service.
DDNS server:
Enter the DDNS server name. The default DDNS server is security-device.name
Registered host:
Enter the registered host name.
User name:
Enter the registered user name to be used for accessing the DDNS server.
Enter user password to be used for accessing the DDNS server.
Confirm password:
Enter user password again to confirm.
Maximum time interval:
Set the interval at which to regularly update the Dynamic DNS service.
The default setting is 10 minutes.
□ Register local network IP address:
Register a network camera IP address to the DDNS
- Click the Save button to save the settings, or click the Reset button to clear all of the information
you entered without saving it.
Network – RTP
These RTP settings concern the IP addresses and port numbers to use for video and audio
Figure 58. System / Network – RTP