Event Out – Record
When the network camera detects an event such as Alarm or Motion, it records the stream1
according to user settings.
Figure 45. Event / Event Out – SD Record
Record Setting:
Click the Enable record checkbox to activate SD recording function.
Enable overwrite mode:
Click checkbox to overwrite SD card
Enter pre-event time value for SD pre-recording.
Enter post-event time value for SD post-recording.
Shows the SD card status and supports format functionality.
Device Status
Check and notice below information before use:
1. No Storage: Shows that no SD card inserted.
2. Unformatted: Need to format SD card before use.
3. Available: Shows that SD card is ready to use.
4. Device Locked (need unlock): Shows that current SD card was locked. Unlock SD card before use.
Device Remove:
If you want to remove SD card from camera, click the Remove button first
and then remove SD card.
Click the Remove button to remove SD card.