Event Out – HTTP Server
Use the HTTP (
Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
server to send an event notification when
camera detects an event. The camera can be configured to send an event to the HTTP server.
Figure 39. Event / Event Out – HTTP Server.
HTTP Server Setting:
Click the Enable HTTP server checkbox and provide the following
information for HTTP server.
: Enter the IP address to the HTTP server and the script that will handle the request. For
Enter the port number used by the HTTP server. The Port number can be adjusted in the
range 1-65535. The default setting is 80.
User name:
Enter the user name used by the HTTP server.
Enter the password used by the HTTP server.
HTTP Server Test:
Enter the test message and click the Test button to test that the HTTP
servers are functioning. When the setup is complete, the connection can be tested by clicking the
Test button.
Send message:
Enter the test message.