Copyright © 2019 Xflight Technologies LLC, Florida, USA
SERVO Considerations
This AUTOPILOT is designed to work for trim tabs (or secondary control surfaces) that are relatively
small in area, sufficient to control surfaces for Experimental LSA class aircraft or Ultralights.
The PWM servos (high torque) will need to be selected such that they have adequate torque to
move these control surfaces in flight against the expected air flow loads.
As previously stated, the power to the servos needs to be on a separate circuit than the AUTOPILOT,
with their own switch and fuse. Servo power supplies or regulators should be physically close to the
servo in order to ensure minimal voltage drop.
It is recommended that each individual servo power connection be separately fused. This will also
assist in easy enabling and disabling of individual servos when it comes to flight testing.
Servo Wiring:
Flight Controller ESC Output 1
Elevator Signal
Orange/White Signal on Top
Red (power, middle) do NOT use (cut wire)
Brown/Black Ground on Bottom
Flight Controller ESC Output 2
Aileron Signal
Orange/White Signal on Top
Red (power, middle) do NOT use (cut wire)
Brown/Black Ground on Bottom
The servos use a separate fused power circuit, so the red servo power wire from the Mini Pix Flight
Controller needs to be cut. Depending on whether you are using an external servo power supply, or
the Xflight Technologies Servo Regulator with or without the Differential Drivers, the servos need to
be connected as per the options shown below: