X N I C C o n f i g u r a t i o n O p t i o n s
C h a p t e r 3 : U s i n g t h e P r i n t e r w i t h N o v e l l N e t W a r e
When the XNIC is shipped from the factory, it is ready to
operate in most NetWare environments without customizing.
However, depending upon your network needs, you can
configure the XNIC with other optional settings.
The optional XNIC configuration procedures will enhance
the performance of the XNIC and help reduce unnecessary
traffic on the network.
Use the TES commands to customize your XNIC on NetWare.
Refer to
Setting Optional Configurations
(page 3-50) and
Table 3.2
XNIC Tasks and Commands
(page 3-55) for
To verify XNIC settings, print the Network Interface
Configuration sheets. Refer to page 1-11 for instructions on
printing the configuration sheet.
The XNIC configuration options follow. You may want to
perform one or more of them depending upon your network
The >init delay 0 command is always the last command
when either a single define TES command or a string of
TES define commands is issued.
1. Disabling
Specific Protocols
on the XNIC
The default is: All protocols enabled.
To reduce network traffic, you can disable any unused
protocols on the XNIC.
Issue this command from TES:
define server authorize
>init delay 0
For example:
define server authorize
>init delay 0
ETR-CH03 Page 43 Wednesday, October 23, 1996 6:46 PM