C o n f i g u r i n g t h e X N I C a s a R e m o t e P r i n t e r ( N e t W a r e 2 . x / 3 . x )
C h a p t e r 3 : U s i n g t h e P r i n t e r w i t h N o v e l l N e t W a r e
the XNIC as a
(NetWare 2.x/
To configure your XNIC as a remote printer under NetWare
2.x/3.x, complete each of the procedures in this section as
Creating the Print Queue
Adding the Remote Printer
Assigning and Restarting the Print Queue
Defining the Print Job Configuration (optional)
These procedures use the commands for Novell NetWare 2.x
or 3.x. Unless noted, commands can be upper or lower case,
and typed commands should be entered by pressing the
<Enter> key.
Novell NetWare RPrinter mode requires one of the following:
PSERVER.VAP for Version 2.x NetWare file servers
PSERVER.NLM for NetWare file servers
PSERVER.EXE for a stand-alone PC-based print server.
After configuring the XNIC RPrinter mode, and if your printer
has more than 25 file servers, it is recommended that you
configure the XNIC with the PServer name that will remotely
attach to the XNIC.
Refer to 6. Setting the Remote PServer Name for
RPrinter/NPrinter (Recommended for Large Networks)
(page 3-47).
ETR-CH03 Page 29 Wednesday, October 23, 1996 6:46 PM