I n s t a l l i n g F i l e s f r o m a n F T P S e r v e r
X N I C - E N E T / T R I N G C o n f i g u r a t i o n G u i d e
Installation of
the PostScript
For the installation of the Xerox DocuPrint 4517 Postscript Driver,
follow these instructions:
Enter the following commands:
# cd ..
(change to the directory
where the ftp files were
copied to)
# mkdir driver_install_scratch_area
(creating a scratch area
for driver installation)
# mv *.cpio driver_install_scratch_area
# cd driver_install_scratch_area
If your workstation is SunOS 4.1.3+, enter:
(extracting driver installation files)
# cpio -icuBd <suno1of3.cpio
# cpio -icuBd <suno2of3.cpio
# cpio -icuBd <suno3of3.cpio
If your workstation is Solaris 2.3+, enter:
(extracting driver installation files)
# cpio -icuBd <sol21of3.cpio
# cpio -icuBd <sol22of3.cpio
# cpio -icuBd <sol23of3.cpio
# more user_guide.txt
(read the user guide or
print it out)
# ./install
(begin the print driver
When asked to enter install directory, enter the name of the
directory where you want the driver software to be installed.
Do not use the scratch area directory for this purpose.
Create a new directory other than the scratch area.
For example: /home/xerox/driver_software.
ETR-APPB Page 20 Thursday, October 24, 1996 7:51 AM