C o n f i g u r i n g L A N S e r v e r f o r T C P / I P o r N e t B I O S
C h a p t e r 8 : U s i n g t h e P r i n t e r w i t h L A N S e r v e r
Continue with
Testing the Printer
(page 8-17)
Advanced Printer
LAN Properties
This table explains the Advanced Printer Properties options
that can be set in the Advanced Options window during
installation of printers.
A new printer icon will be created on the desktop.
The printer is now ready for use.
Table 8.1 Advanced printer properties options
Trace Mode
Enabling this option is not recommended.
Sends debugging information to RPRINTNB.EXE
stdout file.
Use Log File
Creates a log file of RPRINTNB activities for each
print job.
Log File Name
Used to enter a name for the log files.
Verbose Log
Enabling this option is not recommended.
Expands the amount of debugging information in
both the log file and RPRINTNBs stndout.
Timeout on
Server Response
Sets the number of seconds the LAN Server file
server waits for an XNIC response before sending
a new request.
Times to Send
Job Request
Sets the number of requests the LAN Server file
server sends before considering the printer
Retries for
Server Response
Enabling this option is recommended.
Sets the number or retries when waiting for an
XNIC response.
Although this is an optional field, we recommend
that you enter 1 in this field. The value 1
indicates an indefinite retry.
ETR-CH08 Page 13 Wednesday, October 23, 1996 9:46 PM