B a s i c X N I C - E N E T C o m m a n d s
X N I C - E N E T / T R I N G C o n f i g u r a t i o n G u i d e
Reset the XNIC-ENET to factory defaults.
init delay 0 default
Display network configuration parameters.
show server lat
Change enabled LAT group codes.
define server groups
define port 1 authorized group
n1-n2, n3-n4,...
n1, n2, n3,
represent group numbers and
represents a range of group numbers. Group numbers must be
between 0 and 255.
define server groups
adds one or more groups to the existing group list.
define server groups
n1-n2, n3-n4,...disabled
Removes one or more groups from the existing group list.
If neither enabled or disabled is chosen, the printer server
replaces the entire existing group with the new group list
specified in the command.
Change LAT circuit timer mode.
define server lat option 15 enabled
The LAT circuit timer mode is set to work in all supported
environments. The default setting is disabled. This command
should be used carefully. Modification of this value increases
performance in some LAT environments at the risk of frequent
connection loss in a few others.
Table 6.1 XNIC-ENET tasks and commands
ETR-CH06 Page 10 Wednesday, October 23, 1996 9:24 PM