I m p o r t a n t I n f o r m a t i o n
C h a p t e r 1 : I n t r o d u c t i o n
Installation of the
Before you begin the physical installation of the XNIC, make
sure you have the proper cabling and software available.
If your printer is a Xerox 4517, refer to Appendix C of the
4517 User Guide for installation instructions.
If your printer is either a Xerox 4505, 4510, or 4520, refer
to the instructions in the Installation Supplement.
Complete the installation and return to this book to proceed
with network configuration.
To verify that the XNIC has been properly installed, and to
obtain a list of the XNIC settings, you can print either one, or
both, of these configuration sheets:
Printer Configuration Sheet. Refer to your printers user
guide for instructions on printing this.
Network Interface Configuration for (Ethernet or Token
Ring) sheets. Refer to the next section for instructions on
printing them.
Printing the
Network Interface
The Network Interface Configuration sheets verify that the
XNIC has been properly installed and list the settings of the
XNIC-ENET or XNIC-TRING. If this is a first-time
installation, the default settings will be listed.
These configuration sheets print automatically when the
printer is powered on without a network cable being
connected to the XNIC. To print these sheets:
Begin with your printer turned off.
Make sure the network cable is not attached to the XNIC.
Power on the printer.
Within approximately two minutes, two Network Interface
Configuration sheets will print automatically.
ETR-CH01 Page 11 Wednesday, October 23, 1996 6:41 PM