U s i n g t h e P r i n t e r w i t h N o v e l l N e t W a r e
X N I C - E N E T / T R I N G C o n f i g u r a t i o n G u i d e
Restarting the
After you complete the setup in PConsole, the XNIC needs to
be restarted so it can read the new configuration in the NDS
file server. Power the printer off and power it on to restart the
The following procedure is an alternative method to restart
the XNIC.
If your network has more than 25 file servers, it is
recommended to configure the XNIC as follows before
continuing on to the next section Restarting the XNIC:
7. Setting NDS Context, (page 3-47)
8. Setting the NDS Tree, (page 3-48)
9. Disabling 3.x/BEM or NDS Discovery, (page 3-49).
Setting the above parameters on the XNIC will automatically
reset the XNIC. Therefore you can skip the next section
Restarting the XNIC and proceed on.
Print Server Information
from the
Select your XNIC Print Server name.
Information and Status
from the
menu and press
This option appears only if the XNIC is powered on and
connected to the network and the configuration was
successful. Refer to the note above if your network has
more than 25 file servers.
If there is no response, check the network connection of
the printer and verify that the configuration of the print
server and queues on the file server is correct.
Verify that the current server is running by checking to see if
Running is highlighted.
ETR-CH03 Page 20 Wednesday, October 23, 1996 6:46 PM