I n s t a l l i n g X e r o x D o c u P r i n t 4 5 1 7 F i l e s f r o m a L o c a l C D - R O M D e v i c e
A p p e n d i x B : I n s t a l l a t i o n o n S u n P l a t f o r m s
Once the necessary files from the CD-ROM are retrieved into the
hard disk of your local workstation, start the installation
procedure as discussed in the next section.
Installation for
For the initial installation of the Xerox DocuPrint 4517 for
Network Printing, follow these instructions:
Unmount the CD-ROM and eject it. Enter:
# umount /cdrom
# eject
If your workstation is SunOS, enter:
# cp /home/xerox/network/hostbin/sunsparc/* ¬
If your workstation is Solaris, enter:
# cp /home/xerox/network/hostbin/solsparc/* ¬
At the command line, enter the following:
# cd /home/xerox/network/xrx
# ./enstall -s
(this will start the
installation program)
When asked to which LAN Interface will the Xerox servers
be connected, enter either your Ethernet or Token Ring
device name.
For example:
le0, tr0, hme0
(or whatever is on your
ETR-APPB Page 23 Thursday, October 24, 1996 7:51 AM