3. In the Print dialog box, click
Printer Properties
4. On the Printing Options tab, from the Paper list, select the required custom paper size and type.
5. Select any other required options, then click
6. In the Print dialog box, click
Printing on Custom-Size Paper from the Windows V4 Print Driver
Before you print on custom-size paper, define and save the custom paper size as a Form.
For details, refer to
Creating and Saving Custom Sizes for the Windows V4 Print Driver
1. Load the custom-size paper in the tray.
2. In the application, click
File > Print
, then select your printer.
3. In the Print dialog box, click
Printer Properties
4. On the Printing Options tab, from the Paper list, select
Other Size
5. To select a custom paper size, select
Fit to New Paper Size
, then select the custom paper size.
6. Select any other required options, then click
7. In the Print dialog box, click
Printing on Custom-Size Paper from Macintosh
1. Load the custom-size paper. For details, refer to
2. In the application, click
File > Print
3. From the Paper Size list, select the custom paper size.
4. Click
PPaappeerr aanndd M
PPaappeerr aanndd M
Meeddiiaa O
The printer can have up to six paper trays, depending on the paper tray configuration.