8825/8830 DDS User Guide/93
Job Accounting – Setup and Administration
Note: the Job Accounting feature is optional on the 8825 DDS. Contact
your sales representative for ordering information.
Job Accounting
The Job Accounting feature allows the usage of the Scanner and Printer to
be recorded in user defined account numbers. Usage is expressed as the
area (not the length) of the media scanned or used. The accounting modes
for the Scanner and the Printer can be independently set, allowing the
administrator to control access to either or both of these devices.
The job accounting mode for the scanner is controlled through the DDS User
Interface, mounted on top of the Scanner, while the accounting mode for the
printer may be set from the Printer Control Panel, or Web-based Printer
Management Tool (PMT). Although individually set, both the Printer and
Scanner share a common Job Accounting database.
The Web-based PMT consists of special Web pages located in the
Controller and accessible through either the Microsoft Internet Explorer or
the Netscape Web browsers. Version 4.0 or better is required in either case
for proper results. Other Web browsers are not supported, and may or may
not work correctly.
Job Account Administration can be performed from the Printer Control
Panel, the Web-based PMT, or the DDS User Interface on the Scanner. For
example, an account created on the DDS User Interface can be reset or
deleted from the Printer Control Panel.
When the Scanner Job Accounting mode is set to ENABLED, users
submitting jobs through the Scanner are required to supply a valid account
number before being allowed to do so. When the Printer Job Accounting
mode is set to ENABLED, a valid account number must accompany any job
submitted to the printer. If the account number is missing or the account is
invalid, the printer will reject the job and print an error page.
Setting a Job Accounting mode to OPTIONAL allows the user to track only
those jobs that are identified with a valid account number. In OPTIONAL
mode, all scan or print jobs are accepted. Usage not associated with an
account number is tracked in a general System Account (0.3), while jobs
submitted with valid account numbers are billed to the specified account.
Setting a Job Accounting mode to DISABLED will disable the check for
account numbers altogether. All usage is tracked in the System Total Usage
Account (0.1).
The Job Accounting feature is included in the 8830 DDS; it is an extra-cost
option on the 8825 DDS. The option may be enabled at any time by sending
a special software key file to the printer. Once the feature is enabled, it
remains enabled, even if you later upgrade the system software in other
If you have an 8825 DDS and wish to enable Job Accounting, please contact
your XES sales representative.