General Troubleshooting
This section contains procedures to help you locate and resolve problems. Resolve some problems by
simply restarting the kiosk.
KKiioosskk PPoow
weerr SSw
The kiosk has three power switches:
• For the User Interface (UI): A power on/off plunger switch for the UI is located beneath the UI.
For details, refer to
Powering Off the User Interface
• For the kiosk:
The main power switch is located behind the front door.
A secondary power switch is located behind a clear plastic door in area F. Area F is located
just above the front cover.
For details, refer to
RReessttaarrttiinngg tthhee KKiioosskk
• Before you begin, ensure that the main power switch is in the ON position and remains in
the ON position throughout this procedure.
• Restarting the kiosk does not require you to restart the User Interface.
• If you cannot resolve a problem by restarting the kiosk, refer to the table in this chapter
that best describes the problem.
1. Open the front door, if installed.
2. Locate the main power switch and the secondary power switch. For details, refer to
3. Ensure that the main power switch is in the
4. Power off the secondary power switch.
The kiosk powers off.
The User Interface does not power off or restart during this procedure. If you wish to
restart the User Interface refer to
5. After the message,
The Kiosk Screen is Unable to Connect to the Device.
, appears on the User
Interface, power on the secondary power switch.
The kiosk powers on and reconnects to the User Interface automatically. This process takes
several minutes. After the kiosk has powered on fully, the main screen appears on the User
6. Close the front door, if installed.
KKiioosskk D
Dooeess N
Noott PPoow
weerr O
Onn oorr U
Usseerr IInntteerrffaaccee TToouucchh
Instant Print Kiosk
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