Logging In
Logging in is the process in which you identify yourself to the kiosk for authentication.
When you receive an alert indicating that the device requires attention, to view the alert, log in to the
kiosk user interface, then access Device Management. For details, refer to
LLooggggiinngg iinn ttoo tthhee KKiioosskk U
Usseerr IInntteerrffaaccee
To log in to the kiosk user interface:
1. From the left edge of the kiosk touch screen, swipe from left to right.
2. From the Access menu, touch
Device Login
3. For UserID, type
. For Password, type the kiosk user interface password.
For the default kiosk user interface password, refer to the Welcome letter that you
received when the kiosk was installed.
The Device menu appears.
Acccceessssiinngg D
Deevviiccee M
To access Device Management:
1. Log in to the kiosk user interface as an administrator. For details, refer to
2. From the Device menu, touch
Device Management
The kiosk functions appear.
Instant Print Kiosk
User Guide