To Site Test a Relay, all other Relays and Base Stations must be turned off.
This is the only way to know for sure which Relay is responding. Alternatively,
perform the Relays’ test out of range of the other Relays and Base Stations.
Relay Installation
Relay Stations are connected to the Base by twisted-pair wire. See
Appendix B: Adding Relays
for the pin outs and a testing plan.
Is radio traffic contention likely?
The radio traffic time is about 15ms per transaction. Radio time is not going
to be a gating factor, even with more terminals than the allowed 64 maximum.
The bottleneck could partially be the serial port baud rate in high volume
applications. The default baud rate is 9600 baud; you can increase this up to
115,200 baud, but the greater the baud rate, the less the RS-232 cable
distance allowable.
The gating factor for the application is almost always going to be the
application program. By splitting the application between two or more
work stations, each talking to a separate set of Terminals/Base Station, that
factor can be minimized.