is the data string from the original transmission,
terminated by a CR (ASCII 13). This test verifies communication in both
directions (host to Base, Base to host).
If the data isn’t echoed back, either your host COM port or the
Base Station has a problem.
Once you know the Base Station is communicating with the host
correctly, compare the channel of the Base Station with the
channel of the Terminal. Use Site Testing to check the
communication of the Terminal to the Base and back. Stay close,
make sure no other Terminals are in use, and go to Site Test mode
on the Terminal. You should get 96-100% on first try. If you
don’t, it’s a good chance your radios need repair. Call Worth
Data for an RMA.
If you are using PICK or UNIX as your operating system, make sure the
Base Station is set to "XON/XOFF Sensitive".