prompts or error messages will make it easier for the user to
distinguish between them.
Be sure to record error messages for all possible problems
the user may encounter during a session. Once the operator
becomes accustomed to listening to the voice prompts, it may
become easy to overlook a “display only” error message.
RF Terminal’s Voice Message Mapping
The RF Terminal is shipped with 75 seconds of total recording time. The
time allotted for each message is partitioned as follows:
½ second messages
(message numbers 01-30)
1 second messages
(message numbers 31-60)
2 second messages
(message numbers 61-75)
Messages are sequentially numbered beginning with the 1⁄2-second
messages, followed by the 1-second messages, and finally the 2-second
messages. You can change the partitions to allow for more or less of a
particular length message. For example, if you decide you do not want
1⁄2 second messages and you want 15
1-second messages, your
allocation would look like this:
½ second message
1 second messages
(message numbers 01-45)
2 second messages
(message numbers 46-60)
Voice message partitions are set in the RF Terminal either from the bar coded
Setup Menu
or by the keypad setup. From the Setup Menu, scan the bar code
for “Voice Messages”, and then scan six digits. The first 2 digits correspond to
the 1⁄2 second messages, the second 2 digits for the 1-second messages and the
last 2 digits for the 2-second messages. See
Chapter 2; RF System Setup
details on Terminal setup (by bar code setup menu
keypad). Remember that
the total amount of time must add up to 75 seconds.
Programming Voice Messages
To record and playback messages or assign messages to error conditions,
you have to get to SETUP MODE and enter the password. If you don’t
know how to do this, see
Chapter 2
RF System Setup
for details on how to
get into the SETUP MODE. Once you have entered the password (OK, its
WDTRI) you will see the following prompt:
R/F Terminal Setup->1
R/F Base Setup------>2
Voice Operations---->3
to select
Voice Operations.
The next screen gives you your options: