Meaning – Action Required
Relay n Cannot be
Heard by the Base
Notify Supervisor
The terminal has established contact with Relay
Station x. Relay Station x has attempted to
communicate with the Base Station through the 422
cabling with no success. Cable is bad.
Transmission Failed
To Retry, Move Closer
And Press Enter
The terminal has tried 10 times to get its message
through to the Base Station with no success. Could
be result of bad radio in base or terminal. Could be
the operator has gone out of range of the base- if so,
move closer and press any key. Could also be that
there are too many terminals competing for radio
time on one base station.
One Way Not Allowed
Base in Other Mode
Press <Enter> Key
One-Way is not allowed if the Base is already in
some other mode such as Two-Way or Site Testing
which was not properly concluded. Also, if you are
SIGNed IN in One-Way mode and someone else
SIGNs IN in Two-Way mode, the person in One-Way
mode will be kicked out of the system with this
message. Two-Way mode ALWAYS supercedes all
other modes.
Site Testing Not
Allowed, Base in
Other Mode
Press <Enter> Key
Site Testing is not allowed if the Base is already in
some other mode such as Two-Way or One-Way
which was not properly concluded. Also, Two-Way
mode ALWAYS supercedes other modes. If you are
Site Testing and someone SIGNs IN in Two-Way
mode, you will be kicked out of the system with this
error message.
No Firmware Detected
1 – Download Firmware
0 – Power off Terminal
Press 0 or 1 now_
The firmware has somehow been wiped out –
probably from an interrupted firmware download.
Press 1 to Download Firmware or press 0 to power
off the terminal.
Duplicated Terminal
ID, Notify Supervisor
Press Any Key to
Turn off Terminal
With one ID already SIGNed IN to the host, a second
terminal with the same ID tried to SIGN IN. Every
terminal requires a unique ID for proper system
The Pick processor cannot communicate. Call for
Base operating as a Base
Base operating as a Relay
Two or more terminals with the same ID can generate all kinds of
strange messages including those shaded above.
Two bases on the same channel are big trouble
Sometimes you get an error message and after checking, everything on the
Base seems to be set OK. Drop power on the suspect Base and try signing
in again. If you get the same message, there is another Base answering
which should not be on the same channel.