Document: U99_001
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2.8 Safety instructions relevant to operation
If hot or cold machine components involve hazards, they must be guarded against an accidental contact at side.
Guards for moving parts (e.g. coupling) must not be removed from the machine while in operation.
A touch guard, dismantled i.e. for maintenance works, must be assembled before restarting of machine.
Any leakage of hazardous (e.g. explosive, toxic, hot) fluids (e.g. from the shaft seal) must be drained away so as
to prevent any risk that may occur to persons or the environment. Statutory regulations are to be complied with.
Hazards resulting from electricity are to be precluded (see, for example, the VDE Specifications and the bye-
laws of the local power supply utilities).
2.9 Safety notes for assembly-, service- and maintenance works
The operator has to ensure, that all assembly-, service- and maintenance works
are done by authorized and technical staff, which is thoroughly acquainted by reading up on instruction manual.
Works at the machine must be principally done only when power is down. The procedure for switching-off the machine as
described in operation manual must be strictly observed.
6.5 Shut down
Pumps or –aggregates, which pump liquids, which are hazardous to health, must be decontaminated.
Immediately after finishing the works all safety- and protective devices must be reinstalled and/or activated. Operation
without these devices is not allowed. Before recommissioning consider the instructions stated under
6.3.1. commissioning
2.10 Residual Risk
Despite of enormous protective measures against hazards it cannot be ruled out. The quality structure of the product
reduces residual risks to the minimum. These are evitable in strict accordance of the applicable safety measures and by
professional working.
Remaining Residual Risks
Electric shock hazard during connection of power supply.
Electric shock hazard during interruption of power supply.
Hazard by leakage of medium
Works at / with power lines must be done only, if the lines are out of service and
secured against unforeseeable restart.
Check leakproofness before commissioning / decommissioning
2.11 Consequences and hazards at disregarding this operation manual
Disregarding of safety instructions can cause hazards for persons as well as for environment and machine.
For example:
Failure of import functions of machine
Failure of stipulated methods of service and maintenance
Hazards for persons caused by electrical, mechanical and chemical impacts
Hazards for environment by leaking dangerous medium
Disregarding of safety instructions and provisions can result in loss of any claim
damages and warranty.
Transport, preservation, intermediate storage, reshipment and disposal
3.1 Safety instructions for transport and intermediate storage
Regarding transport, the rules and regulations common in the transportation business, respectively the regulations for
handling of fork carriers, cranes etc. are to be observed
3.2 Transport / Unpacking
Our products are packed up for transport as stated in order confirmation according to the standard of the manufacturer.
During transport, the pump mus not be exposed to any strong vibrations, otherwise the lifetime of ball bearings and other
sesitive parts may be reduced
Pay attention to transport securing according to instructions!
Danger of life by falling-off parts
Pumps must be transported and lifted according to the valid instructions and regulations
Mind lifting instructions in
9.4 Transport, Intermediate storage and assembly /