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Document: U99_001
Corresponding documents
9.1 Specification of pump parts
Please, find the specification of pump parts in order-related technical documentation.
9.2 Drawings
Please, find drawings corresponding to supplied product in order-related technical documentation.
9.3 Tightening Torques
Tightening torques shown in the following Ill. correspond to stated strength classes!
For other strength classes contact screw manufacturer for information to tightening torques.
Ill. 20: Screw tightening torques
9.4 Transport, Intermediate storage and assembly/installation
The transport as well as assembly and installation must be done in a good and workmanlike manner.
If lifting eye bolts at motor are available, it must be used for lifting of weight of motor, only.
Before lifting retighten it.
By no means, lifting eye bolts of motor must be used for lifting/installation of the whole pump-motor
For this application synthetic fiber bands or other suitable facilities must be used at suitable places at
product. Suspension of the product must be done only at stable suspension points, like casing,
flanges, and frame by means of lifting eye bolts, which are specially welded for this at the base frame!
Make sure, that the product cannot slip out of lifting facilities during transport!
Mortal danger by falling off parts!
Transport product only in horizontal position!
By no means has use free shaft ended for lifting/transporting!
Consider local accident prevent regulations!
Use only suitable and permitted lifting gears!
Please, find weight indication of the product in technical order documentation or at name plate of pump.