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Document: U99_001
Filling / Venting
Pump and conduits are to be filled-up with the pumping medium and are to be vented at the highest point. Check that there
is no pressure in pump before venting of pump, to avoid injuries.
Mind protection for persons and environment, when using liquids, which are hazardous for
environment and health. Reinstall safety devices.
Shaft seal
Mind protection for persons and environment, when using liquids, which are hazardous for
environment and health. Reinstall safety devices.
Lip seals
For execution with lip seals, no special works are necessary.
Gland packing
Before starting up, loosen the gland in order to cause an increased leakage when the pump is set into
operation. The leakage is necessary for the lubrication of the gland in the runnig-in phase of the pump. A
too strong tightening of the gland packing causes higher wear on the shaft protecting sleeve and possibly
the damage of the gland packing caused due to overheat. After a running-in phase of about 2-3 working
hours, the gland packing can be tighten carefully.
A permanent insignificant leakage is necessary for the lubrication of the gland packing.
If leakage arises, the gland packing can be tightened only during operating by means of the nuts at the
In order to avoid tilting of the gland, it is necessary to tighten also the nuts.
Electric connections
Hazards by electric shock
Electric connections are described under
5.7. Connection to power supply
Monitoring- and control devices
Conducting functional check
The functioning of emergency switches and other switching elements of controller must be checked regularly by the
Control equipment and monitors must be programmed by operator as agreed upon with manufacturer.
Supplementary facilities (cooling, circulation, heating etc.)
Make sure that, if pump is equipped with cooled mechanical seal or gland packing, cooling of seal starts in cold condition of
pump and stops only, when pump is cold again after switching off. Quenches are to be checked in regular periods and are
to be refilled in the case of losses of liquid or rather be renewed in the case of an enrichment with the pumping medium.
Motor protection (setting)
Set over-current relay, monitoring devices for ptc thermistors to the admissible values. The operating manual of the motor
manufacturer is to be observed.
Emergency shut down
Properly functioning of devices for emergency shutdowns must be checked periodically.
Consider VdE- or other valid national/international norms.
Protection-devices of persons
Mechanical (e.g. protection against accidental contact with coupling, shaft)
Touch guards, which protect from rotating parts, must be installed before starting the machine.
Protecting devices against cold or hot parts, or used as splashguard against chemical, aggressive, health-hazardous, cold
or hot liquids, must be installed before starting the machine. Commissioning/starting of machine without available safety