Document: U99_001
page 18 of 24
Motor with regreasing
The quality and quantity of stuff lubricants for motors with regreasing devices has to be taken from label on motor.
Oil lubrication bearing
At normal operation conditions the oil must be changed after abt. 2000 working hours. For oil change also consider
6.2.1 bearing applications
. Before starting up and oil change you have to fill the oil lubricated bearing with oil. The oil level
has to be between the minimum and the maximum marks on the oil dipstick.
Non-alloy mineral oils to DIN 51517 with code letter CL and a viscosity of 20 – 30 mm²/s are normally sufficient.
Make sure, that oils with different qualities are not being mixed up.
7.3 Preventive measures
(e.g. wearing parts, lubrication, quench-medium...)
Spare parts see in item
7.2. Manufacturer´s recommendation for spare parts according to DIN 24296
Sealing liquid: Liquids, which are used, must satisfy the following requirements:
solution of the pumping medium without sedimentation or chemical reactions
poisonlessnes and peaceablenes to the environment
inferior viscosity (similar to water)
no chemical attacks against the used materials...