4. Design and function
WIKA Operating Instruction High Pressure Controller, Model CPC8000-H
configuration settings, range limits and labels (see Section 7 Operation, for more details). Pressure
monitoring calibration and testing functions are performed through interaction with this screen.
Figure 4-2 Main screen description
Individual screens are accessed by a series of touches on tabs, buttons or icons, which open screens
within the hierarchy of the instrument. Nomenclature that designated a screen and how to navigate to
it will be given in this manual in the following structure: “Icon name” [Icon Graphic] / [Tab] / [Button
Name]. For example the screen used to set the resolution of the instrument sensor would be
designated by the navigational screen hierarchy, starting from the main screen, as follows: Setup [
] / [Sensor] / [Resolution]. This convention is similar to a computer folder system and will be used to
describe a screen and, inherently, how to navigate to it. All of the screens are set up into two display
areas. The larger area (left 2/3 of the screen) shows live information about the current configuration,
the progress of the test being performed and gives an indication of the output of the device. The
smaller area (Data Entry) on the right side, has the number key pad, variable sliders or discrete choice
buttons (radio buttons) that all act to input alpha numeric information or mode changes relating to the
test or calibration information being shown on the left.
Buttons on the screen are shown with a gradient background. When inactive the buttons are shown
with the gradient dark on the bottom and light on the top; when selected the button changes color and
is light on the bottom and dark on the top. Buttons are labeled in an intuitive fashion and when
selected its function is obvious.
The setup screens are accessed by pressing the double gear icon [
] and follows the same format
as the main screen with the right hand side used for data entry and the left hand side used for display.
These setup screens are used for a variety of instrument settings, including, display, sensor, control,
and remote interface settings. This area also contains the application used to calibrate the internal
sensors plus various administrative, information and configuration settings. Detailed information about
all setup screens can be found in Section 7 Operation.
Touch the left pointing arrow [
] in the bottom left corner of any setup screen to return to the main
Full operational descriptions of all of the screens, symbols, labels and switches are provided in
Section 7 Operation.
4.4.5 Barometric Reference Transducer
This optional transducer allows gauge mode instruments to operate in absolute mode, and similarly,
absolute mode instruments to operate in gauge mode. Changing modes is easily accomplished from
the front panel or over the remote interface.
In use the active channel of the CPC8000-H will either add or subtract the measurement of the
installed barometric reference sensor to accomplish the appropriate emulation.
Main screen
Test / Calibration Parameters
Data entry