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AirAura X1 / Dec 2016
A i r A u r a X 1 P R O G U I
iAGC Gate Threshold
Sets the level at which the iAGC will no longer adapt or change the audio
level. The range is -60dBFS to -35dBFS. To adjust the value, left click on the
knob and use the mouse wheel to increase or decrease the threshold. You can
also double click on the current value and type in the new value
Return To Zero (RTZ)
When audio falls below the iAGC gate threshold, this option determines
if the iAGC gain leaks off to “zero” (in this case, the iAGC “zero” is actually
-12dBFS of gain). To turn this option on or off, left click on the knob and use
the mouse wheel to switch the mode. Left click again to confirm the change.
The MASTER tab shows the controls that apply to ALL five bands of the
multiband AGC/compressor section. They include the drive to the five band section, the
coupling band reference control and the gate mode for the five band AGC.
To the right of the master controls are the options to enable or disable some or all of
the iAGC and five band AGC/Compressor.
Multiband Master Drive
The Multiband Master Drive control adjusts the amount of signal at the
input to the iAGC and Leveler/Compressor which then determines the depth
of gain control achieved. Driving the leveler harder (higher drive numbers)
results in a more consistent on air sound along with an increased ability to
bring up low passages in program material when needed. Less drive creates
a more “gentle” on air sound which then has less capability to bring up low
passages. The range of this control is -12.0dB to +6.0dB. To adjust the value,
left click on the knob and use the mouse wheel to increase or decrease the
gain. You can also double click on the current value and type in the new value.