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AirAura X1 / Dec 2016
A i r A u r a X 1 P R O G U I
Bass Style (Basic Control)
Similar to the 10-band limiter, the bass processor is also a limiter. It can be a
hard knee limiter (for tighter bass control) or a soft knee limiter (which allows
the bass a fuller and warmer sound). A third option is to turn off the bass proces
sor, which is one of the three options available (OFF, Soft, Hard).
To change the bass style, or switch the bass enhancer off, left click on the
knob and use the mouse wheel to choose. Left click again to confirm your choice.
Master Attack (Expert Control)
The master attack control sets the attack speed for all 10-limiter bands. The
normal setting for this control in all presets is AUTO, which means the attack
speed is program dependent. Offset from auto are four settings that tell the attack
speed to work faster or slower while still factoring in program content.
To change the master attack speed, left click on the knob and use the mouse
wheel to increase or decrease the value.
Master Limiter Release (Expert Control)
The master release control sets the release speed for all 10-limiter bands. The
normal setting for this control in all presets is AUTO, which means the release
speed is program dependent. Offset from auto are four settings that tell the release
speed to work faster or slower while still factoring in program content.
To change the master release speed, left click on the knob and use the mouse
wheel to increase or decrease the value.
Wideband Delayed Release (Expert Control)
The Delayed Release control sets the long term recovery of the lookahead
limiter. Delayed Release reduces intermodulation distortion and allows more
limiting depth via the Limiter Drive control without incurring a distortion
penalty for extra loudness. The control range is 100mS to 1.0 seconds.
To change the delayed release timing, left click on the knob and use the
mouse wheel to increase or decrease the value. You can also double click
on the value and type in a new value.
Master Threshold (Expert Control)
The Master Threshold sets the limit threshold for the 10-band limiter. Normally
this control should be set to AUTO which allows the threshold to operate in
a program dependent way. Changing the threshold will offset the control and
make it a static threshold.
To change the threshold, left click on the knob and use the mouse wheel to
increase or decrease the value.