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AirAura X1 / Dec 2016
A i r A u r a X 1 P R O G U I
L/R Balance
Static level errors in Left/Right channel balance can be corrected by using the L/R
Balance knob. The Left/Right balance control affects all input sources and can be adjusted
over a +/-12dB range. Usage of this control should be restricted to short term “band-
aid” use only since Left/Right channel balance is best corrected upstream of AirAura if
it is out of balance. To adjust the gain, left click on the knob and use the mouse wheel to
increase or decrease the gain. You can also double click on the current value and type in
the new value.
Enable Insert Loop
Enabling the insert loop breaks the audio connection between
the output of the five
band processor and the input to the FM and
HD limiter. Instead of directly connecting the five
band output to
the FM and HD limiter, the audio from the 5 band is sent to the
insert loop OUT jack on the rear panel of the X1. This allows you
to insert a ratings encoder watermark (or other gear). The output
of the watermark encoder (and associated gear) is then returned to
the IN jack. At that point, the audio signal continues to the FM and
HD limiters, peak controllers and stereo generator (on the FM side).
Using the insert loop allows the user to have the X1’s iAGC
and five band processing appear before any ratings encoder so that the encoder is fed a
consistent level.
Prior to this option, many users resorted to external AGC’s to feed the ratings encoder
prior to the main processor. Adding an additional gain control device to the airchain had
the tendency to cause audible fighting between
the external AGC and the internal AGC in the
main processor. Defeating the AGC in the main
processor was not always an option.
The correct solution is to provide an insert
point in the main processor’s audio path to
accommodate the ratings encoder. This way,
not only do we have one AGC that controls the
input level to the processor AND the ratings
encoder, we can now place the ratings encoder
towards the back of the processing so the
watermark is less likely to be altered by any
previous multiband stages.
NOTE: Make sure you have your audio devices properly set up before enabling the
insert loop or you will have an on air audio failure. The INSERT RETURN indica-
tor will change to green if two conditions are met… AES lock and audio present.
The insert loop accepts AES/EBU signals only. The default sample rate is 48kHz. If
you desire the sample rate of the loop to be 44.1kHz, you will need to feed a 44.1kHz
signal to the main AES input of the X1. As of this writing, there is no audio failover
for signal loss in the insert loop.