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AirAura X1 / Dec 2016
A i r A u r a X 1 P R O G U I
Band Tabs (1-5)
These controls are the heart of the X1’s sonic signature. Spectral balance, density
and a great deal of level control happens in these five tabs. Each of the five tabs have
the same controls (with the exception of BAND 5. BAND 5 does not have a crossover
control as it is at the top of the frequency spectrum).
Density (Basic Control)
The Density control adds more energy to the processing band being adjusted
as it is increased. It basically changes the relationship of the audio controlled by
the AGC vs the compressor. Lower numbers (0-2dB) let the AGC do more of
the audio control for a more open sound. This is the desired range for Classical,
Jazz and Public Radio style formats.
Higher numbers (2dB-6dB) place more of the burden on the compressor.
In the 2dB-6dB range, the audio is more consistent in both level and EQ, but
is also louder and more “competitive”.
The range of the control is 0-6dB in 0.5dB increments. Recommended settings for
most formats are +3dB for bands 1 and 2, +2 for Band 3 and 0 or +1 for Bands 4 and 5.
To adjust the value, left click on the knob and use the mouse wheel to increase or decrease
the density. You can also double click on the current value and type in the new value.
Band Mix (Basic Control)
The Band Mix allows you to increase the OUTPUT level of the band you are
adjusting. It is part of the final output mixer of the entire five band section and
away to further shape the equalized sound of the five band AGC/ Compressor
AFTER processing as been applied.
The band mix control for each of the five bands of processing can be found
in two places. Under the tab of the respective band being adjusted and under the
EFFECTS tab (which will be discussed later in this section). The two controls
track each other and have a boost or cut of +/- 6dB).
To adjust the value, left click on the knob and use the mouse wheel to increase or
decrease the gain. You can also double click on the current value and type in the new value.