4-3 .
The fol lowing Performance Tests are procedures whi ch can be used to veri fy
that the instrument is operating properly and meets the specifi cations l isted
below . A l l speci fi cations apply to Butterworth (Flat Ampl . ) response and al l
Performance Tests are performed with the Flat Ampl ./Flat De l ay switch in the
F l at Amp! . position .
Passband Gain Accuracy
Cutoff Frequency Calibration
A ccuracy
D C Offset
Broadband Noise
Maximum Stopband Attenuation*
Harmonic Components'
AC Line-related Spurious
S pecification
Model 452
0 ±0 . 25 dB,
20 ±0. 25 dB
(±0 . 5 dB, H P, x1 0K)
0±2 .5 mV de
1 00 uV rms, max .
90 dB
-90 dB
-1 1 0 dB
relative to ful l -scale signal of 7 . 1 V rms ( +1 7 dBV)
a .
Passband Gain
( See Fig. 4-3)
Model 852
±0.5 dB ,
20 ±0. 5 dB
(±l dB , H P, x 1 0K )
±2 . 5 mV de
200 uV rms, max.
90 dB
-80 dB
-1 00 dB
Connect equipment as shown in Setup #1 . Set Frequency Synthesizer output
to 0 . 7 1 V rms and measure possband gain of the Channel Under Test (CUT)
for the settings shown in Table 4 . 1 .