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Step 4: Installing the Elevator and Rudder Pushrods
Plug the elevator and rudder servo leads into their proper slots in the receiver. Plug the ESC lead into the receiver and
plug the flight battery into the ESC . Turn on the radio system and center both of the servos using the elevator and rudder
trim levers on the transmitter.
Thread one nylon clevis onto each of the two 1.5mm x 400mm threaded pushrod wires. Thread the clevises on far
enough to leave room for adjustments later.
Working with one pushrod wire for now, carefully snap
the clevis into the elevator control horn.
Place a "single arm" servo horn onto the elevator servo (on the same side as the elevator control horn), making sure
that the servo horn is centered and points
up toward the top
of the fuselage. The arm should have at least two holes in it.
Using Magnum Z-Bend Pliers, make a Z-Bend in the pushrod wire at the mark you drew and use wire cutters to
remove the excess wire.
Remove the servo horn. Using a 1/16" drill bit, enlarge the hole in the servo arm that is 1/4" out from the center of the
servo horn.
With both the servo horn and the elevator centered, use a
pencil to draw a mark on the pushrod wire where it crosses
the hole that is 1/4" out from the center of the servo horn.
If you're using Cirrus CS-10 servos this will be the first
hole in the servo arm.
Attach the servo horn to the Z-Bend, then attach the
servo horn to the servo, making sure it's centered.
Install and tighten the servo horn retaining screw, provided
with your servo, to secure the servo horn into place.