126 Commissioning
750-8207 PFC200 CS 2ETH RS 3G
Draft version 1.2.1 from 2017-09-13, valid from FW Version 02.06.20(09)
</dg_ “Configuration of the Users for the Web-based Management” Page
The settings for user administration are shown on this page. “Change Password for Selected User” Group
Change passwords
Default passwords are documented in these instructions and therefore do not
offer adequate protection! Change the passwords to meet your particular needs.
Table 67: WBM “Configuration of the users for the Web-based Management” Page – “Change
Password for Selected User” Group
Select User
Select the user (“user” or “admin”) for new password
New Password
Enter the new password for the user selected under
“Select User”.
The following ASCII characters for passwords are
valid: a … z, A … Z, 0 … 9 and spaces. These
special characters are also valid:
Confirm password
Enter the new password again for confirmation.
[Change Password]
to apply change. The change is effective immediately.
Observe the valid characters for WBM passwords!
If WBM passwords with invalid characters are set outside the WBM system (e.g.
via CBM), then accessing the WBM pages is no longer possible!
Observe access rights
Authorized WBM users only have access to the Web pages. User administration
for controller applications is configured separately.