Connect Devices 101
750-495/040-00x 3-Phase Power Measurement Module 690 V
Version 1.2.0
Pos: 96 /All e Seri en (Allgemei ne Module)/Ü berschriften/Ebene 2/Spannungsmessung - Ü berschrift 2 @ 13\mod_1346248367139_21.docx @ 102097 @ 2 @ 1
Voltage Measurement
Pos: 97 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Anschli eßen/Anschl ussbeispi ele/Anal ogei ngäng e/Spannungsmessung 750- 0495, 750-0495/040-00x @ 16\mod_1376384543239_21.docx @ 128572 @ @ 1
Take additional protective measures for voltages on the N connection that
are dangerous if touched
Voltages up to the nominal input voltage of the I/O module (U
) can be
measured directly if it is ensured that no voltage to ground that is dangerous if
touched can exist on the N connection of the I/O module during normal
operation. If this is not ensured, additional protective measures must be taken
(e.g., use of voltage transformers with basic insulation).
Otherwise, touch-proof protection from the system may no longer be given in the
event of a fault. This can cause electric shock or burns.
For voltages above the nominal input voltage, use voltage transformers
It is essential to use voltage transformers (VTs) to measure voltages above the
nominal input voltage of the I/O module (U
). The voltage transformer ratio
must be selected in such a way that the secondary voltages of the transformers
do not exceed the nominal input voltage of the I/O module.
Furthermore, the N connection on the module side must be grounded.
For line voltages U
> 400 V
, use of voltage transformers with reinforced
insulation is required.
Otherwise, touch-proof protection from the system may no longer be given in the
event of a fault. This can cause electric shock or burns.
Use safety fuses in voltage paths
Use safety fuses in the voltage paths. Otherwise, bodily injury or property
damage may occur in the event of polarity reversal of the voltage and current
Do not confuse the current and voltage connections
When connecting, be sure not to confuse the current and voltage paths, since
direct connection of the line voltages to the low-impedance current inputs will
destroy the I/O module.