DeviceNet • 73
WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH has developed a Multi-Port DeviceNet Tap to
connect the nodes to permit the connection of remote bus cables and drop lines
using the CAGE CLAMP
technology. This achieves a reliable, fast and vi-
bration and corrosion resistant connection.
The DeviceNet taps are available in 2 designs.
Enclosed design with connection possibilities for 6 lines.
The housing provides a protection in difficult environ-
mental conditions.
Open design to which 2 drop lines and 2 remote bus lines
(trunk lines) can be connected.
All subscribers in the network communicate at the same Baud rate. The bus
structure permits the interference-free connection and disconnection of sta-
tions or a stepped start-up of the system.
Future extensions have no influence on the stations already in operation.
Should a subscriber fail or be added to the network as a new one, it is auto-
matically deteced by the system.
4.2.4 Network Grounding
The devices can either be power supplied via the DevicNet bus or have their
own power supply.
Prerequisite being, however, that the network is only grounded at one point.
Preferably, grounding is in the network center (V and screen drain with round
media) to optimize the capacity and minimize interference.
Not permitted are ground loops via devices that are not disconnected from the
power supply. The device must either be insulated or, if this is not possible,
the power must be correspondingly disconnected in the device.
4.2.5 Interface Modules
In a network, all WAGO DeviceNet fieldbus nodes are delivered to operate as
slaves. The master operation is taken over by a central control system, such as
PLC, NC or RC.
The programmable fieldbus Controller 750-806 can assume the master op-
eration when being extended by the "DevNet.lib" library.
The connection to fieldbus devices is made via interface modules.
As an interface module, WAGO offers the PC interface PCBs for DeviceNet,
ISA DeviceNet Master 7KByte (order No. 758-340), PC104 DeviceNet Mas-
ter 7KByte D-Sub,straight, angled (order No. 758-341) and PCI DeviceNet
Master 7 Kbyte (order No. 758-342) from the WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 758 Se-