anced operation
WiFi setup
In order to enable the WF feature to functon, you need to setup the network, computer and handset
as told n the followng secton.
Network setup
Before the handset can access PC applcaton, the correct home network and computer setups
have to be completed.
To connect the handset to the PC application, the computer network will need to have the configuration
as shown below:
• For the router or
access pont, t
has to be 801.11 b
or g compatble.
Wireless Router or
Access Point
(802.11b or g)
DSL/Cable Modem
WF6972 Handset
Wireless Connection
Wired Connection
In the setup, a wreless router
or a combnaton of router
and access pont s requred.
Also, a DHCP (Dynamc Host
Configuration Protocol) server
s to be runnng ether on the
router or PC.