ECU Converter HORNET Version: 1.1
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The rotation speed monitoring is activated by reaching the AUTO status and deactivates when
the pump voltage reaches 0.00V. A speed alarm can signal a "turbine flameout".
In a 2-turbine model 2 VSpeak ECU converter can be used on Jeti Systems via an expander or
CentralBox. The EX names are:
ECU" for
eft turbine ECU on input
ECU" for
ight turbine ECU at the expander input
If a value reaches the alarm threshold, the alarm code is signaled or a speech output of the
associated alarm code.
MSB addresses
MSB-compliant, the addresses can be arbitrarily set between 0 and 15. Not to show values can
be turned off ("OFF").
An address for double occupancy values within the ECU converter is excluded. If an address
has been set, which was already associated with another value, the current is set to "OFF".
If the VSpeak ECU Converter is connected to an
Expander or Centralbox and the ECU Converter display
is activated with the
Right button, the only way back to
the expander menu is pressing
Left button in STATUS
Display firmware
After powerup you get the startup message and version
number shown in the picture for about 3 seconds.
Profibox - autonomous telemetry system for HORNET-ECU
Using a Jeti Profibox incl. RSat receiver and the VSpeak ECU converter the telemetry data
from a HORNET ECU can be transferred completely self-sufficient to the pilot. Not only the
settings using the Profibox can be made, as was shown in the previous chapters - all EX-data
and the important alarms are displayed: fuel level, ECU battery voltage and minimum rotation
speed are given as voice messages again.
VSpeak ECU-Konv .
Hornet V 1 . 1
Expander E4
1} TO 3 . 1V P1 . 14
536C 41 . 1/V35%
AUTO 3 . 1V P1 . 14