Brightness: The higher the brighter video
Contrast: The higher the stronger contrast
Saturation: The higher , the deeper color saturation
Hue: Effect on video color
Quality: The higher the better video quality
3. Compression Boost:
Selection can be “None”, “Low”, “Medium” and “High” to adjust
video compression rate. The higher compression boost level,
the lower video data rate and the worse video quality.
4. Auto Gain Control:
When this box is checked, VPON will keep the GAIN value
effective automatically no matter day or night, light or dark.
5. Mirror Horizontally:
Check this option for video mirroring.
6. Mirror Vertically:
Check this option to rotate the selected video source up side down.
7. Max connections for this camera:
Limit the maximum connections allowed to access
this camera.
8. Max bandwidth for this camera (Bytes/sec):
Limit the maximum bandwidth in
Bytes/second allocated to access this camera.
9. Max bandwidth of each connection for this camera (Bytes/sec):
Limit the maximum
bandwidth allocated to each connection of this camera.
Click the “Done” button to save the new settings.
Note: Please click ”Write To FlashROM!” for permanent setting.
Note: 1) Value set at “Quality” level will be applied for all video sources. Other
parameters only apply to the camera chosen.
2) High quality level causes larger data rate for both storage & transmission.
2.6.3 Audio Setting
Use the Audio menu to set up the audio parameters for the VP-504(H)/508(H). You can set
following parameters:
1. Audio Source:
Select an audio input and output source.
2. Microphone Gain :
Adjust Microphone gain of Audio input .
3. Speaker Volume :
Adjust Speaker gain of Audio output from VPON.