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3.3.21 LED Flashlight
This is convenient for the installation or maintenance in low light conditions. Click icon to
While in the flashlight app, click the red button to turn on the LED lamp. Press it again to turn it off. If
you don’t press the red button to shut off the lamp and press the button to exit the app, the lamp
will stay on. Click the Time Setting button to set a timer that will shut off the lamp.
3.3.22 Browser
Click icon to enter
Type in the camera’s IP address and press “Go” to access the IP camera’s interface.
NOTE: You will not be able to view live video in the web browser. For viewing video, use the IP
tester’s live camera view Apps
The IP camera and IP tester are on the same network segment for the browser to interface with the
camera. If they are not in the same segment, press “RETURN” to exit. Open the “Settings” app from the
main menu to change the IP tester’s network settings to match those of the IP camera.