For the project engineering of more than 8 modules you may use line
interface connections. For this you set in the hardware configurator
the module IM 360 from the hardware catalog to slot 3 of your 1. pro-
file rail. Now you may extend your system with up to 3 profile rails by
starting each with an IM 361 from Siemens at slot 3. Considering the
max. total current with the VIPA SPEED7 CPUs up to 32 modules
may be arranged in a row. Here the installation of the line connec-
tions IM 360/361 from Siemens is not required.
5.6 Hardware configuration - Ethernet PG/OP channel
The CPU 315-2AG13 has an integrated Ethernet PG/OP channel.
This channel allows you to program and remote control your CPU.
The PG/OP channel also gives you access to the internal web page
that contains information about firmware version, connected I/O
devices, current cycle times etc. With the first start-up respectively
after an overall reset the Ethernet PG/OP channel does not have any
IP address. For online access to the CPU via Ethernet PG/OP
channel valid IP address parameters have to be assigned to this by
means of the Siemens SIMATIC Manager. This is called "initializa-
Install your System 300S with your CPU.
Wire the system by connecting cables for voltage supply and
Connect the Ethernet jack of the Ethernet PG/OP channel to
Switch on the power supply.
After a short boot time the CP is ready for communication.
He possibly has no IP address data and requires an initiali-
The initialization via PLC functions takes place with the following pro-
Determine the current Ethernet (MAC) address of your Ethernet
PG/OP channel. This always may be found as 1. address under
the front flap of the CPU on a sticker on the left side.
Bus extension with IM
360 and IM 361
Assembly and commis-
"Initialization" via PLC
VIPA System 300S CPU
Deployment CPU 315-2AG13
Hardware configuration - Ethernet PG/OP channel
HB140 | CPU | 315-2AG13 | GB | Rev. 14-40