Revision A3
Rx Undersize
The number of short 1 frames received with valid CRC.
Rx Oversize
The number of long 2 frames received with valid CRC.
Rx Fragments
The number of short 1 frames received with invalid CRC.
Rx Jabber
The number of long 2 frames received with invalid CRC.
Rx Filtered
The number of received frames filtered by the forwarding process.
Short frames are frames that are smaller than 64 bytes.
Long frames are frames that are longer than the configured maximum frame length for this
Transmit Error Counters
Tx Drops
The number of frames dropped due to output buffer congestion.
Tx Late/Exc. Coll.
The number of frames dropped due to excessive or late collisions.
To evoke the auto-refresh to refresh the Queuing Counters automatically.
Upper right icon (Refresh, clear)
You can click them for refresh the Port Detail Statistics or clear them by manual.
Auto-refresh: Check this box to refresh the page automatically. Automatic refresh occurs
every 3 seconds.
Clear: Clears the counters for the selected port.
Refresh: Click to refresh the page.