Revision A3
Enabled: Frames received on the port are mirrored.
Disabled: Frames received on the port are not mirrored.
The default value is "Disabled".
Indicates the logging operation of the ACE. Possible values are:
Enabled: Frames matching the ACE are stored in the System Log.
Disabled: Frames matching the ACE are not logged.
Please note that the System Log memory size and logging rate is limited.
Indicates the port shut down operation of the ACE. Possible values are:
Enabled: If a frame matches the ACE, the ingress port will be disabled.
Disabled: Port shut down is disabled for the ACE.
The counter indicates the number of times the ACE was hit by a frame.
Modification Buttons
You can modify each ACE (Access Control Entry) in the table using the following buttons:
: Inserts a new ACE before the current row.
: Edits the ACE row.
: Deletes the ACE.
MAC Parameter
SMAC Filter
(Only displayed when the frame type is Ethernet Type or ARP.)
Specify the source MAC filter for this ACE.
Any: No SMAC filter is specified. (SMAC filter status is "don't-care".)
Specific: If you want to filter a specific source MAC address with this ACE, choose this value.
A field for entering an SMAC value appears.
SMAC Value
When "Specific" is selected for the SMAC filter, you can enter a specific source MAC address.
The legal format is "xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx" or "xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx" or "xxxxxxxxxxxx" (x is a
hexadecimal digit). A frame that hits this ACE matches this SMAC value.
DMAC Filter
Specify the destination MAC filter for this ACE.
Any: No DMAC filter is specified. (DMAC filter status is "don't-care".)
MC: Frame must be multicast.
BC: Frame must be broadcast.
UC: Frame must be unicast.
Specific: If you want to filter a specific destination MAC address with this ACE, choose this
value. A field for entering a DMAC value appears.