Revision A3
About This Manual
Copyright © 2016 VERSITRON, Inc. All rights reserved.
The products and programs described in this manual are licensed products of
VERSITRON, Inc. This manual contains proprietary information protected by copyright,
and this manual and all accompanying hardware, software and documentation are
copyrighted. No parts of this manual may be copied, photocopied, reproduced,
translated or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable from by any
means by electronic or mechanical. Including photocopying, recording, or information
storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose other than the purchaser’s personal use,
and without the prior express written permission of VERSITRON, Inc.
This manual gives specific information on how to operate and use the management
functions of the SG71070M
The Manual is intended for use by network administrators who are responsible for
operating and maintaining network equipment; consequently, it assumes a basic
working knowledge of general switch functions, the Internet Protocol (IP), and Simple
Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
The following conventions are used throughout this manual to show information.
Emphasizes important information or calls your
attention to related features or instructions.
Alerts you to potential hazard that could cause
personal injury.
Alerts you to a potential hazard that could cause
loss of data, or damage the system or equipment.
See the VERSITRON, Inc. warranty statement.
VERSITRON, Inc. does not warrant that the hardware will work properly in all
environments and applications, and marks no warranty and representation, either
implied or expressed, with respect to the quality, performance, merchantability, or
fitness for a particular purpose. VERSITRON, Inc. disclaims liability for any inaccuracies
or omissions that may have occurred. Information in this User’s Manual is subject to
change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of
VERSITRON, Inc.. VERSITRON, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies that
may be contained in this User’s Manual. VERSITRON, Inc. makes no commitment to
update or keep current the information in this User’s Manual, and reserves the righter
to make improvements to this User’s Manual and /or to the products described in this
User’s Manual, at any time without notice.