For more information on Traffic results, please see
9.2.3 Individual Stream Results
The Per Stream traffic pages, display the statistics for each traffic stream configured in the throughput test. Tap on the stream
number (S#) in the top right corner to navigate to a different stream. The Per Stream tab displays the following measurements:
Framed rate, data rate, # of bytes, total # of frames associated with each stream
Errors associated with each stream
Events associated with each stream
Traffic statistics associated with each stream
Delay associated with each stream
Rates information associated with each stream
Throughput Results - Summary Stream 1
Throughput Results - Summary Stream 2
The Per Stream Errors screen displays the current and total error count of Per Stream Errors . Please see
more information.
Throughput Results - Errors (Page 1)
Throughput Results - Errors (Page 2)
Throughput Results - Errors (Page 3)
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