Layer 4:
Framed BERT (same as Layer 1, 2 & 3 Framed)
MAC Address:
A default or user configured Media Access Control (MAC) address is added to the frame
IP Address:
A default or user configured IP address is added to the frame
A user defined source and destination port address is added to the frame
BERT Setup - Header (Layer 4)
BERT Setup - Header (Layer 4) UDP Settings
7.1.1 Header Settings
The test layer, frame header, traffic profile, error injection, and control settings of the far end device (if applicable) must be
configured prior to testing.
BERT Profile:
Load a previously configured test profile or create a new profile from existing settings
for more details on how to create new profiles
Select the test layer to perform the BERT
Options are Layer 1 Unframed, Layer 1 Framed, Layer 2, Layer 3, and Layer 4
Frame Type:
Select the Ethernet frame type for Layer 2 or Layer 3
802.3 Raw (IEEE 802.3 frame without LLC) - Not available when Layer 3 is selected
/ e_Manual D07-00-050P RevD00
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