The following Errors (Current and Total) are displayed:
Number of received frames with an invalid FCS
IP Checksum
(Layer 3 only)
Jabber frames:
Number of received frames larger than 1518 bytes containing an invalid FCS
Runt frames:
Number of received frames smaller than 64 bytes containing an invalid FCS
Giant frames:
Number of received frames larger than 1522 bytes containing an invalid FCS
A flashing red tab indicates an anomaly has occurred.
11.2.2 Alarms
The following Alarms (Current and Total) are displayed:
Loss of Signal
LOS Sync:
Loss synchronization
Pattern Loss:
Indicates errors related to test pattern
Service disruption associated with loss of signal:
Duration of the current service disruption
Total accumulated duration of the service disruptions
Minimum and maximum duration of the service disruption events
Counter of service disruption events
Monitor Mode - Errors
Monitor Mode - Alarms
11.2.3 Events and Status
A time stamped record or log of anomalies, alarms, test status (start/stop) and test application are displayed. When Thresholds are
enabled, a Pass or Fail value is displayed for each of the following parameters:
Utilization %
CRC Errors count
Service Disruption in ms
Optical Power level in dBm (1000Base-X / fibre connections only)
Pass/Fail criteria is based on the configured threshold values. If the thresholds are not enabled, no status will display (only
measurement values).
/ e_Manual D07-00-050P RevD00
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